Friday, May 31, 2013

What's making me happy this week!

I listen to a lot of podcasts.  One of them is NPR: Pop Culture Happy Hour.  They have different topics that they talk about and each week each of the hosts lists what is making them happy this week.  I love this.  It can be short and sweet or sometimes they elaborate and they give details.  I have found that I look forward to this in each episode.  I kind of want to pipe in and say... "Cool, this is what's making me happy this week."

So... What's making me happy this week?  I'm so glad you asked.

Summer - It is finally here!!  Jake and Amanda finished school yesterday and Nick is done today!  Yeah!

Baby Rabbits - Yes, we had more baby rabbits.  Yes, it was planned.  Carmel had 5 baby rabbits on Wednesday, May 29th.  They are adorable!!

A new box of workbooks - I ordered a box of workbooks from School Zone for Jake and Amanda.  They are going to work hard this summer.  Jake needs to work on Multiplication and Division and his Reading.  Amanda is going to continue building the skills she learned in Kindergarten.

A Free weekend - John's nephew Brad graduates from High School this year and we have his graduation party tomorrow.  Other then that our weekend is wide open.  I have a habit of booking my calendar completely full so I'm very excited about an open weekend.

Each week I am going to share what is making me happy. I'd love to hear what is making you happy!  Please leave me a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Haha... Free weekend!!!! I love that makes you happy too! I only have one thing on the calendar this weekend- AMAZING!!! They don't happen often, so when they do come around I take advantage of it!!!! :)
    I am happy it is FRIDAY... What a week!!!! Now just to get thru today.... :) Have a wonderful weekend!
