Saturday, July 20, 2013

The 4-H'er in me

The 4-H'er in me is in heaven right now.  We are in full fair mode at our house.  We are getting projects ready for the County Fair!!  You might not know this but I held the "Blue Ribbon Plaque" for the most blue ribbons in one county fair for 3 consecutive years!!  That's right!  One year I had 21 blue ribbons.

Me with some of my projects

Me at Dog Training Class with Abby, my Springer Spaniel

I completely credit 4-H for helping me become the person I am today.  I learned how to speak to judges and to large groups.  I learned how to lead a meeting and how to take accurate notes.  I sent out invitations to our monthly meetings.  I learned project management skills.  Those 21 blue ribbons didn't happen by a miracle!  Although my Mom and Dad might disagree.  I remember several years when we were up until the wee-hours of the morning finishing projects on the night before entry day.

When I was 13 I stayed overnight in the dorms at the Minnesota State Fair.  I had earned a State Fair Trip with my Counted Cross Stitch.  It was an amazing learning experience.  It was the first time I was basically on my own with little supervision.  We had an 11pm curfew but before that we had free reign of the enter Minnesota State Fairgrounds.  I had an amazing time!  We sat with judges and worked on a needle point project.  I learned a lot.  Some of the things I learned I still use today. 

Now I'm creating new 4-H'ers.  Jacob and Amanda have enjoyed their time with 4-H so far.  Amanda is 5 and still considered Discovery.  She can take up to 3 projects to the fair this year.  She will be showing a Rabbit and taking two non-livestock projects. 

Jacob is in "the big group" now and can take as many projects as he wants.  We talked about how the more projects you take, the more ribbons you get.  With each project comes more work and expense though.  He decided his goal this year is 10 ribbons.  I think this is a reasonable goal and is do-able.

Jacob received a Volcano kit as a gift.  This has been a great project.  It is assembled and is ready to be painted.  

Jacob applying paper mache to his Volcano.

Jacob and John putting the finishing touches on the Volcano.
I will update you on our progress!! If you have interest in 4-H please reach out to your County Extension Office.  It truly is an amazing program!!

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