Monday, March 18, 2013

Bunny Update and Pinewood Derby

Here is a bunny update.  Poor Mama Carmel was so tired yesterday.  I suppose she is used to us being at work and school during the day and we were around the house all day yesterday.  After lunch I made the kids stay out of the kitchen and give her a break.  She slept for quite a while and then looked much better last night. 

They definitely have the round little Holland Lop head.  So cute!!

Look at those little ears!! Mama seems to be doing a really good job taking care of them.  She's definitely protective of them.  Yes, I have gotten bit.
There is one light colored one (like the one above) that is very tiny.  I'm a little concerned that he/she isn't getting fed.  I'm watching that one closely and will bottle feed if necessary.  My friend, Beth, is a wealth of knowledge and has given me all kinds of pointers and advice.  Not sure what I'd do without her support on all this.

Jacob is a Cub Scout and was involved with the Pine Wood Derby.  We worked on his car for several days last week.  Jacob carefully sanded it learning to sand with the grain.  Jacob and I put the first coat of paint on together and him and John did the rest of the work together. 

When we got up on Saturday Jacob was very worried about the possibility of us being late.  I have extreme issues getting up some mornings and this last Saturday was no different.  The snooze on my alarm clock gets quite the workout.  :)  Anyways... We made it in plenty of time.  He was registered and his car weighed in.  We ended up taping a few washers to the bottom of his car to add a little bit more weight.  Your car can't be any heavier than 5 oz and his was only 4.25 when we got there.

There are 4 lanes that race each heat.  Each car participates on each of the 4 lanes.  Jacob had several 2nd and 3rd place finishes.  This is such a good learning experience.  You can tell the cars that might be there for their first year.  Sadly... some didn't make it across the finish lines.  You can bet that next year they will make that car differently!

After they finished the initial races there was a short break with cookies and juice while they tabulated the winners from each den.  "Dens" are the individual groups that meet a couple times during the week.  The "Pack" is the entire New Ulm Area.  It took me forever to remember how this went. 

Amanda did a great job keeping herself occupied between drawing and playing on my cell phone.  She was a trooper!!

Jacob was announced as the first place winner for his Den and he was elated!!  It made his day. He was so excited to get his first trophey.  He was so proud and very excited to go home to show Dad.  Before we left he competed in the finals and raced 4 more times.  He was not in the top 3 overall but he was still very excited.  We had a talk about what it is to be a humble winner and a good sport.  Overall... he was just excited about the trophey.  Hopefully what I said will rest in the back of his head for the time being.

Oh Sweet Victory!!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Bunny Alert!! Bunny Alert!!

Last night we had some great excitement at our house last night.  Jacob's Rabbit, Carmel, had 6 baby bunnies last night.  Going into this week I wasn't even sure if she was pregnant or not. 

This was an amazing learning experience for the kids and I.  Now I know what to look for and what to expect.  I'm so glad she had them in the evening when we were around and not in the middle of the workday or night.

When I came home from work yesterday I noticed that she was putting straw in the nest box.  I went out and got her a armful of straw.  She immediately took mouthfuls of straw into the nest box.  She made several trips and was very determined.  Then she began to pull hair for the nest.  Most of the hair came from her dewlap.  I have to say it was completely fascinating.


Before long she was in the nesting box and she gave birth.  It was extremely quick and she was perfectly quiet.  I'm not sure what I was expecting but she was great.  You could tell she knew exactly what to do.  She didn't have a mom to call for advice or a book to look something up in.  She just knew and I think that is AMAZING!!

Now... hopefully she'll continue to take care of these amazing little babies.  I will post more pictures as they grow and get bigger.  Watch for updates!!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Whooo Whooo

My Grandma Rist loved owls.  I remember her having lots of owl wall hangings in the upstairs when I stayed with her.  I'm sure I rolled my eyes at them then and took them down.  Hindsight is twenty-twenty, right?!?  Oyiii if I knew then what I know now.

Owls have come back into fashion it seems and you see them everywhere.  I just feel in love with this fabric when I saw it at Joanne's.  John and I made a trip over to Mankato on Valentines Day.  It was fun looking through all the fabric.  I am so tired of Winter and I long for Spring.  This fabric is SPRING! 

I am learning how to quilt.  In my daily conversations this topic has come up.  I've gotten some very interesting reactions.  My co-worker Victor looked at me bankly and said "why?"  I took this as him thinking I was nuts.  I also found out some of my friends and coworkers know how to sew and some of them want to learn.  It was interesting to hear what people have made in the past.  Also, why they do or do not sew anymore.

It has been fun to share my experience with my Mom too.  She is a very skilled seamstress.  She doesn't sew as much as she has in the past.  Last night her and I were at the fabric store together.  I showed her the squares I had done so far.  She commented on how night they were.  I have to admit my heart swelled. 

 Here is what I have accomplished so far.

 Are you working on any projects?  I would love to hear about them.  Please leave me a note in the comments!!  Thanks!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

How we do it in Minnesota

This is how we move books in Minnesota when there is too much snow to use your cart. :)  He's having a great time too!!  Stay Warm!!
Jacob pulling his loaded sleigh

Mush Doggie!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Happy Anniversary Usborne Books & More!!

In March we celebrate 24 years of Usborne Books & More.  I know you've heard me say it before but this truly is an AMAZING company!  We are working hard to provide quality made educational books for all children.  AND we are empowering women across the country. 

There are so many reasons to sell Usborne Books.  Honestly, my reasons change from time to time.  I call it my "Why".  "Why" I sell Usborne:
  • Sharing my love of reading
  • Help families receive free or discounted books for their children
  • Get out of the House and meet new people
  • Be part of an amazing team
  • Incentive Challenges - Earning 42" TV and iPad, Luxury Trips
  • Feeling Success and a job well done
  • Helping Grandmas shop for their Grandchildren
  • Finding that perfect book for children
  • teaching my children a good work ethic
  • Cash Compensation - Earning extra money for my family
I asked on Facebook last week what people would do with an extra $400 per month.  Overwhelmingly the response was "Bills".  By doing 1 home show each week you can easily overage $400.00 per month in additional income.  Our home shows average $400.00 in sales and with a 25% commission you receive $100.00 in cash.  Do you have to stop at 1 home show a week?  Absolutely not!  You can grow this as big or small as you want!  If you need $800.00 a month then you can do 8 shows per month/2 per week.   This might seem like a lot of work but realistically it isn't.  Each overage home show is 2-2 1/2 hours plus a little prep time before and after.  Can you imagine making $25-35 dollars per hour?!  Beats taking a shift at Wal-Mart or the local fast food place for minimum wage.

So... does any of this interest you?  Could one of the reasons above be your "why".  I would love to help you achieve your goals.  I am more than happy to answer your questions with absolutely no pressure.  Usborne Books and I are here to help you success. 

Feel free to send me a message on Facebook, an email or give me a call (507-217-1977), or stop me on the street with any questions!! More details are always available on my website: I'd love to visit and see if this works into your dreams.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Siri doesn't do Knock Knock jokes

Hope you are all doing well.  I have been swamped with overall craziness these days.  I am settling into a routine with the new boss and my new desk.  We are all adjusting to each other.

March is a very busy month for the Crazy Book Lady.  Tonight I am excited to be involved with Ladies Night Out in Lake Crystal.  This is put together by Jenny Yost at Lake Crystal Area Rec Center.  It is a fun night!!  This is the 3rd year I've been involved and I look forward to it every year.

Tomorrow and Saturday I am involved in the Farm City Hub Club Agriculture Show.  This is another great event that helps to kick my spring into gear.  It's one of the first big "Outtings" of the year and everyone is eager to get out of the house.  I love meeting new people and seeing friends and acquaintances that I haven't seen in sometime.

Amanda and I have been working on Knock, Knock Jokes lately.  We have had a great time!  You can view all of them here
Here are the last 2.  Even Dad has gotten in on the fun.

Don't try asking Siri though.  She doesn't "do" knock-knock jokes.